Phase 1 Complete & A Recap

Phase 1 treatments are done.  I have another week to recuperate from the 4th and final biweekly dose of FOLFOX and then we charge into Phase 2.  Like a horde of tiny, intravascular, toxic, radioactive stormtroopers.  "For Great Justice!"

I'm not gonna lie, Phase 1 really kicked my ass.  For example, I'm sitting here at 0500 on Sunday morning because insomnia.  I guess I'm making up for the more than 18 hours per day I was getting while the chemo was kicking my butt last week.

Friday I woke up without nausea.  Small victories.  Saturday we went on a family bike ride.  It was three blocks each way and I was exhausted.  If my energy levels don't improve, I can always go sailing... just like Bob.

My energy levels after FOLFOX.  Objects in photo may be cuter.

Let's recap the journey so far:

Phase 1: FOLFOX dosed every other Monday with a 48 hour hookup and a Neulasta Stabber™ as the cherry on top.  Effectively plugged in to some sort of device for 4 days during the first week and then the remainder of the cycle to try and recover.  Four cycles for a total of eight weeks.  Currently we are starting the recovery week of the last preoperative FOLFOX cycle.

Phase 2: Starting May 8th, I get six wonderful weeks (ah, ah, ahh) of 5-Fu (best chemo name ever) with radiation.  Before it starts, I'll get scanned to make sure everything is going according to plan and the tumor is getting beat up even more than I am.

Phase 3: REST!  Take some time before surgery to sit by the pool, eat fiber and do crunches.  Gotta get my guts ready for slicing and dicing.

Phase 4: Surgery.  Some time in August.  Probably a week in the hospital.  A liver resection and a lower anterior resection.  Open, meaning an incision from sternum to pubic bone.  If I weren't such a badass I'd be terrified (or living in denial)  Straight physical pain is something I can deal with.  Historically, I've dealt with it by being a jerk to everyone around me in between pain meds.  I'm okay with that plan.  Visit at your own risk.

Phase 5: Recovery from surgery.  Oncologist says we'll play this by ear.

Phase 6: Eight more weeks (4 cycles) of FOLFOX to kill off any cells that may have escaped / metastasized.  I'm dreading this more than the surgery.

On one hand, it feels like Phase 1 went really quickly.  Just kidding, it totally sucked and the days crawled.  Luckily the Infusion Room at the Alliance Cancer Center is a barrel of laughs... (when Pete & I are in residence)  Remember to tip your bartenders.
The aftermath is brutal.  In just 7 weeks, I'm weaker, slower and I think I'm even a little dumber.  Hopefully I bounce back, otherwise I'll be left with only my incredible good looks and enormous humility.

The Phase 2 chemo is supposed to be much better than Phase 1.  Fewer side effects and better energy levels.  I'm not looking forward to the 24/7 pump hookup, but I am looking forward to the radiation-derived superpower.  My oncologist is playing it really close to the vest... he just gives me an odd look when I ask him if he knows which power I'll get.  Do they have special needles for if I become bulletproof?

All in all, things are going about as well as can be expected.  The support from family and friends has really helped.  People from all corners of our lives have reached out to support us with words and actions and shoulders to lean on.  The love and support continues to be overwhelming and is the greatest thing to come out of this disaster.

Thanks for reading and I'll let you know what superpower I get as soon as I know.

ADDENDUM:  There are two events coming up that I need to make sure everyone knows about.

May 2nd, 2017 (Tuesday!) from 5 'til whenever there is a Dine/Donate event at Somo in Manayunk.  I plan on hanging out at the bar or a table and I hope my city friends can come out.  It's a cool little place right on Main.  Also, there's an Insomnia Cookies a few doors down.  I'm just saying.

July 8th, 2017 from whenever 'til whenever is a big music and drinking event at Magerks in Ft Washington (the former Bent Elbo for oldheads like me).  Bands and beers and I'll see if I can get my oncologist to disconnect me for one weekend.  I won't tell him it's so I can dance on the bar.


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