Phase 1 Complete & A Recap
Phase 1 treatments are done. I have another week to recuperate from the 4th and final biweekly dose of FOLFOX and then we charge into Phase 2. Like a horde of tiny, intravascular, toxic, radioactive stormtroopers. " For Great Justice! " I'm not gonna lie, Phase 1 really kicked my ass. For example, I'm sitting here at 0500 on Sunday morning because insomnia. I guess I'm making up for the more than 18 hours per day I was getting while the chemo was kicking my butt last week. Friday I woke up without nausea. Small victories. Saturday we went on a family bike ride. It was three blocks each way and I was exhausted. If my energy levels don't improve, I can always go sailing... just like Bob. My energy levels after FOLFOX. Objects in photo may be cuter. Let's recap the journey so far: Phase 1: FOLFOX dosed every other Monday with a 48 hour hookup and a Neulasta Stabber™ as the cherry on top. Effectively plu...