The Plan
Things are happening very quickly. I’m eager to get rid of this thing and the whole team is ready too. Everyone at my job is going above and beyond in facilitating time off and schedule shuffling. Once again, our community has reached out and helped us with babysitting and advice and support and love. Thanks everyone! I met with my surgeon on Monday. He said of the tumor: “Couldn’t be in a better place”. I had my blood drawn and an EKG (How do you spell ‘cardio’?) and I’m scheduled for my second liver resection this Friday morning. I’ll get a new abdominal scar on the right side, just below the ribs. My liver will get a new hole. I’ll spend the weekend in the hospital and then come home on Monday. I’ll meet with my oncologist next week. I’m not looking forward to chemo but I’ll do whatever it takes. The first time was simpler because there is an algorithm. Just follow the map and get to the goal. The...